
Lupo PenSuite

Lupo PenSuite is a completely free suite of portable programs and games. This Suite is designed to simplify the user's life, by collecting the best suites and portable applications available on the Web.
Optimized to be loaded on a USB flash drive and brought always with you, this Suite works perfectly well on any other device. It includes over 200 highly selected portable programs and games (7-Zip, Audacity, CCleaner, eMule, FileZilla, Firefox, Foxit Reader, Gimp, IrfanView, Miranda, Notepad++, Opera, Thunderbird, µTorrent, VLC and many more).
You can also easily customize your suite adding portable apps from our broad software database. All you need in one package.(http://www.lupopensuite.com)

The collection of portable software for everyone:
- all-in-one for every needs
- completely free and portable
- translated in 25 languages
- no spyware, adware or viruses
- easy to use and to personalize
- over 200 programs and games included
- more than 1800 programs and games available

For Download click here
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